International Holidays Celebrated in Colombia

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day


Christmas Eve is celebrated on December 24, commemorating the birth of Jesus and Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25, marking the beginning of Christmas. These two are traditional festivities that we celebrate together with our relatives, partners or closest friends.
My family on December 24 dresses formally to participate in the family dinner. Upon arrival we greet each other and pray to eat. I didn't straighten my hair. I should have straightened my hair the day before. I might have improved my appearance that day.
The organization of the dinner was done by my family, my sister and my cousins did the decoration, my cousin prepared the food and the celebration was held in a cousin's house because the patio is big.

On December 25, all the children look forward to their gifts delivered by "Santa Claus".

DECEMBER 24th, 2020

My nephew, who loves the gifts, received a tricycle. 
